Most Useful Excel Keyboard Shortcuts That You Should Know

Microsoft Excel is an extensively used application for the purpose of storing and analyzing data around the globe. There have been several versions of MS Excel since its inception. With each new version, it came with many changes as well as keyboard shortcuts.

There is no denying that keyboard shortcuts make our life easier and enhance productivity but remembering them is a challenge. Therefore, having a list of the most useful Excel keyboard shortcut can be a good idea.

Below is a list of the most useful keyboard shortcut keys for MS Excel for increased productivity by saving time. This list of shortcut keys for MS Excel will be very useful for any type of Excel user.


F1 Key :-  Need Help in Excel, press F1 Key


F2 Key : Press F2 to edit the current cell
Ctrl + B : To toggle bold text
Ctrl + C : To  copy the selected items
Ctrl + X : To cut the selected item
Ctrl + V : To paste the items from clipboard
Ctrl + U : To toggle underlined Text
Ctrl + Y : Redo the last undone action
Ctrl + Z : Undoes the last action
F12 Key : To open file "Save As" dialog
Ctrl + A : To select entire worksheet
F7 Key : Press F7 Key to start spell check
Ctrl + F : To display Find dialog box
Ctrl + H : To display the Replace dialog box.
Ctrl + I : To toggle italic Text
CTRL + S : To save file
CTRL + 1 : To displays Format Cells Dialogue Box
CTRL + 5 : Toggles Strikethrough Text
Ctrl + Left Arrow : To go to end of column
Ctrl + Home : To go to top of Worksheet (A1)
Ctrl + End : To to the end of Worksheet
Ctrl + Pg Dn : To go to the next Worksheet


F5 Key : Goto
Ctrl + N : To open New file
Ctrl + O : To open existing file
Ctrl + P : To print


Alt + = : Adds Autosum in the current cell
Alt + F8 : To open macros dialog


CTRL + ; : To insert current date
CTRL + : : To insert current time


Home Key :  To go to start of the row
Ctrl + Spacebar : To select the entire Column
Shift + Spacebar : To select the entire Row
Ctrl + A : To select entire Worksheet
Shift + Left Cursor : To select all cells to the left of the active one
Shift + Right Cursor : To select all cells to the right of the active one
